Author Topic: Frustrated to tears and mad!!!  (Read 5430 times)


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Re: Frustrated to tears and mad!!!
« Reply #15 on: February 28, 2011, 09:33:09 AM »
TabyandZayBaby, maybe try adding some Chia seeds to your meals, it might help you to feel full.  I add a tablespoon to my 1 Minute Muffins, Sensato Hot Cereal, mix into the batter for my flax pancakes, mix in with the egg for my omelet, sprinkled over my salads, etc.  I know you don't eat eggs, I just wanted to give you an idea of what all you can do with them.  They give everything a crunchy, nutty flavour and are supposed to have great health values.  I bought ChiaNutra from my local Costco and it is 0 carbs per tablespoon.  You should be able to find it in your local health food store.

P.S. I'm a mom, I don't want to hear that anyone is hungry.  Hope this helps.


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Re: Frustrated to tears and mad!!!
« Reply #16 on: February 28, 2011, 09:59:15 AM »
Thanks ladies! Umpa, yes my food list is pretty darn small...I think that's what makes it so hard, and I hate tofu...I gag on the stuff. I have a strong gag reflex...probably all in the brain. You're right Umpa, I take care of a lot of people and a lot of kiddos. I feel exhausted, well because I am...but when you don't get more than about 4-5 hours of sleep (broken sleep due to a fussy toddler) then I'm sure no matter what I eat I'd be down right exhausted. The good thing Umpa is that I find out about new foods and ideas here every week...I know the possibilities with veggies alone are endless...just gotta get the ole thinker going. Like cauli-rice...whoda thunkit?  Gettin full isn't typically an issue, it's eating before my gut thinks it's starving...ShihTzuMom1...I've never heard of chia seeds! That sounds interesting...I will add that to my list of food items to look into! I've discovered nuts and I are good almonds, they go a long way and so does the almond milk. It helps tie me over when I can't eat right away. 

Umpa, right again, five years ago or more like 7 is when I gained almost 100 pounds in a year to a year and half for no known's like my body betrayed itself. I ate lots of cheese, and pasta and starches that now a days would tear me up and bloat up my stomach. that's a good reminder, those carbs hurt my digestive system...really bloated me up...I coulda flown us all for free round trip to anywhere in the U.S. off of my gut  :P ;D and that's funny about standing on your head...maybe it will give me an extra, say lift  :-X ;)

Also, even though my food list is limited, I think about Moses in the desert for all those years and they lived off of manna and water, and John the Baptist lived off of honey and'm sure I can make it ;)
« Last Edit: February 28, 2011, 10:00:50 AM by TabyandZayBaby »
May you be blessed in all your endeavors, but most importantly, may you be humble. God keep you.


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Re: Frustrated to tears and mad!!!
« Reply #17 on: February 28, 2011, 03:37:54 PM »
Rena  you think if you stand on your head the weight will fall into your boobs???? :D :D :D

Hell, I'd be willing to give it a try!  :D  :D

And just think ... I could save $10K on a breast lift while I'm at it! :D :D