Author Topic: Touching Base  (Read 3494 times)


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Touching Base
« on: June 15, 2018, 09:24:53 PM »
Hello everyone, just touching base to see how everyone is going with their "trials and tribulations".   How's the goal setting??  The triumphs?? The tears and frustrations??   Good??  Glad to hear it.  I've been doing well and have lost 18kgs (40lb - wow, haha, gotta say it sounds heaps more in poundage) since mid October last year - approx 32 wks or so.  That might not mean a lot to some in the length of time,  but this is a post menopausal woman here and it is a heap better than putting it on.   I've sauntered through this not really putting much effort (when I say not much effort - I am following the guidelines, but I am not stressing or obsessing) into it to be honest, just taken it day by day.  I keep telling myself I must start to exercise but I'm hard put to get motivated to do anything let alone exercise.  It is the beginning of winter here and it is absolutely freezing already.  But each day I am getting closer to that treadmill set up in the lounge room.  I'll get there - maybe I'm waiting for a plateau to actually have to shake my body up to keep losing.  I see it for what it is - an EXCUSE.  I know it, I own it, I WILL??? overcome it.    ;D

Hope everyone is well and doing well.



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Re: Touching Base
« Reply #1 on: June 17, 2018, 04:44:41 PM »
Hi, Morgan! I'm very happy to hear that you are doing so well.  :) :) :)

Regarding your motivation toward exercise...

You have to set realistic goals for yourself if you expect to have long term positive results.
The first goals should be small and easy to achieve. Make the first one something like 5 minutes on the treadmill at a lower speed. Then, increase slowly from there. As your success record grows, so will your motivation to continue. If you make exercise part of your lifestyle, like FTS, there will be no need to obsess over it. Just enjoy it.  :)

Me, like you, I continue to live the FTS lifestyle but so not obsess over it. I am still close to goal weight. I weigh in once in a while. When I notice the scale creeping upward, I reduce my carb-count and food volume for a time until the extra weight comes off. This has been working great for me.

What you do today is what matters!


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Re: Touching Base
« Reply #2 on: November 05, 2018, 05:41:12 AM »
Hi all....I'm sure you are all going to be thrilled that I have actually added some (not much) but some actual exercise into my day.  That treadmill (cough...torture device) is actually being used.  I have decided "1 km a day" is no big deal - I can do that....even if I have to hop on that thing 4/5/6/7/8 or more times a day I will walk that #### (pardon the swearing) 1 km a day.  Only excuse is when I mow my lawn (believe you me I would rather walk that kilometre, my lawn area is that big) or I am away.  I have lost a few more lbs.....I know slowly but surely wins the race and it seems to be taking it's time...I wish it would hurry up, but I it is just me and my body being stubborn.  If it is shedding weight with no real major effort by me, I am happy. 


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Re: Touching Base
« Reply #3 on: November 06, 2018, 04:10:59 PM »
Good for you, Morgan!  :)

Sounds like your ready to move on toward your goals.

What you do today is what matters!