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Topics - founditatlast

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Click Here To Share Your Success Story / Lot's to lose!
« on: June 16, 2010, 02:16:33 PM »
Hi everyone, I am new on this forum and have only been on the eating plan for a full two days... I have over 200 lbs to lose.  Has anyone lost that much on this plan?  Just curious... if not maybe I'll be the first!

Hi Doug... I saw you on 700 Club one evening and decided to buy your book. I have tried nearly every diet out there and even gastric bypass TWICE! Now, caring for my mother who has Alzheimer's, I am more sedentary and depressed than I have ever been. Both have done a number on my already high weight.  In the 2 years I have been caring for my mom I have gained about 100 pounds!  I had to buy a 'bariatric' scale so I could see where I started from... at 365 lbs. I am desperate!  
   Your book made sense to me and seemed it would be easy to follow. So far it has been.  I am already familiar with Walden Farms and and those stores have some wonderful items to help me shed those unwanted pounds.
   I have been on the new eating plan for only two days and just out of curiosity I had to weigh myself... 5.2 lbs gone already! Probably mostly water as I have been drinking water with a capful of lemon juice and a 1/2 teaspoon of Stevia in it.  Plain water I just don't drink so thought I'd try that.
  I'll keep you updated on my progress maybe once every 6 months or so.  I'm in it for the long haul! When I get my weight down some I can once again enjoy the activities of biking and swimming that I enjoy so much.  Right now it's difficult to even walk.  Wish me luck!
Founditatlast (Diane)

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