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Topics - zombiegirl74

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Turnips~!!! OMG!!! Turnips! :)
« on: December 06, 2011, 09:47:28 PM »
So, I just cooked and ate turnips for the very first time in my life, and OMG! They are SOOOOOOOO GOOD!!! My son says they taste just like a potato to him lol
I made a stew with elk meat, cauliflower, broccoli, green onions, mushrooms and some herbs n spices, every body wanted seconds! I'm truly amazed. this will be a new staple, since I have not been that impressed with the Jicama, and it's hard to find..and I have missed that potato-y textured type veggie:) woop woop! so excited tonight! Next time would like to throw in a red bell pepper or some tomatoes to add some color. Very impressed with my little turnip freind lol btw...does ANYONE know carb count for this little tuber???

We made some turnip fries, haven't tried them yet..we are all so full :)

On a side note, I missed you guys. been a tough past few weeks. Thanksgiving de-railed me a little, and the carbs started sneaking back my 4 whole pounds shrunk to 1.5 :( bad me.  ::)

I also had a funeral last week, my foster sister, AND then yesterday, was suffering the effects of my polycystic ovarian disease, it is very painful, and didn't help my attitude. which the diet to ease the symptoms for THAT is ALSO low carb/high protien. What did I do?? Ate high carb/sugar comfort foods, and made it worse. urgh!

But I am back again, I'm a danged stubborn girl, and I REFUSE to give up!!! I will NOT let this sugar addiction win! I WILL beat this weight :) You ALL are in my prayers, and I thank you for all of your inspiring thoughts and words, y'all are TRULY an amazing group of people

Product Reviews / The Ninja
« on: November 22, 2011, 12:37:24 PM »
I am LOVING my Ninja! It is a food processor that was not expensive to buy at ALL! around 40$ and I am finding it indispensable. love love love love it 8), I have made the cauli rice, cauli-toes, salsa, spaghetti sauce, chopped everything from onions to chicken, and made pudding with it. I recomend if you are looking for a budget-minded good quality food processor ;) Thanks!

General Discussion / Stuffed bell peppers
« on: November 20, 2011, 08:41:41 PM »
Has anyone tried these with the cauliflower "rice" ??? I saw the sushi video, and a light bulb went on for I'm trying them tonight! I'll let y'all know how it turns out :D
Just the uncooked stuffing tastes amazing, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed lol

General Discussion / Almond milk & sugar-free pudding: NOPE!
« on: November 17, 2011, 12:50:40 PM »
Haha, just have to say I love the unsweetened almond milk! Blue Diamond has shelf-friendly containers, AND an unsweetened chocolate that one packet of stevia makes it WONDERFUL!! but the Silk brand tastes the best to me... ;)
Unfortunately: You CANNOT make sugar-free pudding with it!  the box says: "do not use Soy milk, pudding will not set.", so I tried almond milk..yeah, that didn't go over too well. We have um..thick pudding soup   :o:D ;D so consider yourselves given a heads up!  :D

Ask Umpa / Italian style breadcrumbs
« on: November 15, 2011, 11:48:52 AM »
okay Umpa, I have a delicious recipe for spinach and cream-cheese stuffing for beef will all be FTS friendly IF I can find a substitute for Italian style breadcrumbs..watcha think??? anything?  Thank you for all you do lady :)

It's me again! I just seem like I keep getting lost! This year has just been a tough one :/ Between getting a new job, making my house livable, a crazy teen, a crazier pre-teen, moving my special needs brother in, losing a relationship, and unreliable internet; I'm feeling a bit dazed. I'm also GAINING weight back, because, well, honestly: I just haven't gotten back into the Habit of eating FTS. :( I'm now UP at least 20 pounds, and boy am I feeling physically rotten :(
It is just a big ugly cycle full of EXCUSES. I live in a very small (pop. 1726 as a fact) town, and the products I need have been hard to come by. At times, I convince myself they are hard to the point of impossible..which is simply not true! I have been on a VERY tight budget, so this also plays a factor. In all honesty, the products would not be so expensive, if I made everyone in the house eat them..but I'm not the only one bringing food into the house ~sigh~
 Please forive me for venting my frustrations, I KNOW this is all my own doing, and I only have myself to blame. Working at a grocery store now is amazingly tempting! lol But also enlightening, I am shocked by the amount of carbs people push into their mouths! I am also a bit relieved, that I'm not that bad anymore, but also made aware of how much I need to get rid of..if THAT makes any sense lol

There is ZERO reason to not use the tools I have at hand to do this and do it RIGHT...right??
With my previous experience, my medical knowledge, and MOST importantly my FTS Family Online, I CAN do this..I hope!

SO! now I turn to you once again FTS family: Please, what are your suggestions to jump-start this kid back onto FTS, and keep it GOING??? I am halfway to my goal, I lost the first half in 2 1/2 MONTHS so, taking over a YEAR to lose the rest is just darned ridiculous I say!

God Bless you all, and thanks for the support, and understanding :) <3

Ask Umpa / German Chocolate Brownies
« on: September 11, 2011, 09:50:26 PM »
We have a lady at church who makes the most wonderful chewy German Chocolate brownies...just like cake...but on a thick chewie brownie...any way we can replicate this the healthy way?

General Discussion / I missed you guys!
« on: September 03, 2011, 12:58:53 PM »
I hope everyone is doing well! I tell ya, this internet thing is fristrating out here in the sticks!
Not much has changed since I was last on, so....I'm STILL on my weight gained back..yet.
  BUT!!! I re-started the program three days ago, and it is going well yay :) I've tried restarting quite a few times..and within 12 hours I was craming sugar into my mouth! GGRRR! >:(  For some reason this time is just as easy as the first time, and I have high hopes;)
   My daughter is a senior in highschool this year, my son just started junior high, and I am looking for a different job. whew. So there is my update, please everyone, have a safe and happy Labor Day Weekend! God Bless ~Zombiegirl

Click Here To Share Your Success Story / wow!
« on: May 02, 2011, 07:20:42 PM »
I lost 8 pounds this week!  :o :o ;D ;D

Girly Girl Talk / Holy batflaps AGH!
« on: April 25, 2011, 11:44:04 AM »
So, really, I am loving losing weight...(stuck on a plateau..grr) and I am looking GREAT in my jeans...but what the heck do you do about all the loose skin??? It is EVERYWHERE! I have batflaps on my arms, belly and worst of all my looks awful and I am mortified over it.

We have a free natural hotsprings here that I adore..but everytime I think of putting on that swimsuit..I see the skin on my thighs roll around and blech! I end up just sitting on the side and watching eveyone else.

 There are really cute tops and dresses I would love to wear, but that dern skin on the bottom of my arms kills me, I have sooo much! 

Am sure I am probably being too self concious..but there anything outside of surgery to fix it..even a little? Or am I destined to wear only capris and t-shirts the rest of my life for summer?

Click Here To Share Your Success Story / zombiegirl wasn't lost! :)
« on: April 20, 2011, 09:37:12 PM »
Hi guys! I just wanted to share a little today, hope y'all don't mind. I was without internet or my own place until recently, so I need to play some catch up here.

I started Doug's way of eating in June of 2010. I was almost 250 pounds! I really had no idea how I looked, almost didn't even care. I was on all kinds of meds from coumidin, to blood pressure meds, to anti-depressents and thyroid meds. my blood chemistry panels were horrible, low thyroid, high cholesterol. I was miserable.

One day, I saw a picture of myself from behind and I was like WOAH! that has GOT to change. I was 35 with two kids to raise on my own. I felt ridiculous, hopeless and not to mention helpless.

I started this "diet" ~totally a lifestyle change~ with the attitude that it probably wouldn't work, but desperate for ANYTHING to help me. By the end of September 2010 I had lost over 50 pounds!!!! I couldn't believe it, I still had the self image of a fat girl. I went shopping with my sister for work clothes for my new job...she got REALLY mad at me because I kept going to the plus-sizes. She finally FORCED me to try on smaller clothes...and when some were too big I cried. Then she FORCED me to take some ~~GASP~~ full body photos, and I cried again...there was a person looking back at me that I hadn't seen in years.

Since September of 2010, I have not been on Doug's plan, maybe 70% but I HAVEN'T GAINED ANY WEIGHT BACK! I went through a very trying time since then. I have lost 2 close family members, a couple of dearly loved pets, dealing with my special needs son and a rebelious teenager. I have also moved, changed jobs, and bought my own home! (nothing fancy, but it's MINE and PAID off!) In the back of my mind this whole time was to get back in the program, and finish the transformation of my lifestyle. I have 45 or so til my goal!

I went to the Doctor for the first time since starting this. I had labs taken on Monday, and today 4/20/11 my Doctor called me with my results, and yes, (I'm a girl) I cried yet again:

My cbc is PERFECT, my liver and kidneys are NORMAL, my metabolic panel is NORMAL, my thyroid is actually funtioning in the NORMAL HIGH range, my blood pressures are running in the low range, and last, but certainly not least my cholesterol levels are exactly what they should be, with my good higher than my bad, and I am still overweight! My Doctor told me quote: "Whatever it is that you are doing; keep doing it!" He also has switched me to a different blood pressure med, and told me if it stays low with this one, that I will be able to come off of meds COMPLETELY! (I haven't been on antidepressents or thyroid meds since september, I was having crazy side effects) I honestly never thought I would be able to do this, especially after my pulmonary embolism in '07

I thank God every day for Doug sending me a myspace request...and our continued friendship on facebook, and this forum where Doug and Sherry are REAL people actually helping those they are doing this for!!!!
It truly has done a HUGE change in this single mom's life. Please don't get discouraged, don't EVER give up on yourselves, if I can do it...ANYONE CAN!!! 
Thanks for letting me gush...God Bless! ~Renae :)

Ask Umpa / mashed potatoes
« on: April 20, 2011, 09:51:37 AM »
When we make our "mashed potatoes" ie: that wonderful caulifower concoction, they taste GREAT...but are really runny...what am I doing wrong??? Help! Thank you!

Lean On My Shoulder / Frustrated with myself.
« on: March 21, 2010, 10:58:11 PM »
I have been drinking milk like crazy...until I read the label the other day... EEK! :o there is a LOT of sugar in milk!!! another thing is I am eating completely different than my kids...and that is for the BIRDS! I am also having zero portion control. Boy! >:( So I am getting an elliptical until the snow melts off enough to ride my bike to up my activity level.  8)

Does ANYONE have any thoughts or suggestions on how to convince a 10 year old kid he shouldn't eat all that other garbage?  ??? He eats healthier than most...but there is still quite a bit of carbs in his diet, breakfast cereal, lunch at school etc. He has severe ADHD, and I KNOW sugar affects his behavior AND he is a little chunky as well. :-\
My 16 year old daughter is all for it, she is at a healthy weight now, but recognizes she probably won't always have the same metabolism or activity she does now (what a good kid)  ;D

Thanks for hearing me out! Tomorrow is a new day, so I will start all over again ;)

Dinner Recipes / Chicken Veggie Stir-fry thing!
« on: March 21, 2010, 10:18:09 PM »
Hey everyone, I have never posted a recipe before, but this is a favorite at my house. It was actually an experiment, and now we eat it all the time:)

1lb chicken breasts, cut into short, thin strips
1 head broccoli, washed and cut into bite size pieces ( we like the stems to)
1 head cauliflower, washed, and cut into bite size pieces
1/4 cup sliced mushrooms (if desired)
Oregano to taste, I use about three or four good shakes out of my jar..quite a bit.
Tarragon, about two shakes
1/8 tsp Garlic powder,
a few dashes of white pepper
Sea Salt to taste.
1/2 cup water
1/2 cup sharp cheddar or asiago cheese (we mixed the two once, and it was great!)

First, I saute the chicken on high heat, until it is thoroughly cooked, but not brown. (I use a bit of water, but I am sure you could use cooking spray)
turn down the heat and add the water, veggies and spices. Mix thoroughly, then, cover and simmer about 10 minutes or until the veggies are tender but not mushy. Turn off heat, sprinkle cheese on top, then recover pan. Wait a few minutes for the cheese to melt, and serve.

My kids love this dish, and it gives them their protein AND veggies in one quick, easy dish, and I don't get all the carbs! I really hope you guys like it :) Thanks! Renae

General Discussion / Hi just got here!!
« on: March 07, 2010, 02:21:25 PM »
Hi doug, and everyone...
I just bought your book over two weeks a go...and have been on the program about two weeks now. What a great, common sense thing it was. I am doing my darndest to do this! I have tried SO many different things to [url=]lose weight[/url].
I am moving in June, and my goal is to have lost at least 20 pounds by is already working! Thank you Doug, for giving me a REAL possibility to be healthy again...and to STAY that way! I have SOOOO much more energy! I can wake up in the morning without hititngt he snooze three times inthe morning...and I don't need that afternoon coffee to keep me form feeling sleepy and groggy!

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