Right on IzzeT and Jo, give it to God. Sometimes He uses hard situations to get our attention, to make us realize He is sovereign.
The past two years I have had 30+ laser eye treatments and three surgeries. Twice I was blind for about three days. Finally, I said ok. Lord if this is your will, ok. I'm yours Jesus. And you only are big enough for my problems. One month ago I was scheduled to have a vatrectomy on my left eye four days after a vatrectomy on my right eye. My church from childhood, my church I now attend, and countless others that I cannot name prayed for healing in my left eye. Three days before the second surgery I met with my eye dr to have pictures taken of my retina and abnormal blood vessels causing so much trouble. The photos were taken, printed and laid on the dr's desk across from me. When he picked them up he said "ohh, ohhh my...". I looked at him, scared of what he saw. He turned to me and said "Jessica, the blood vessels pulling on your retina are gone. They aren't there at all. Your retina has flattened almost to normal. I have never seen this."
Well, I know exactly what happened. Jesus healed me.
I hope my story will encourage you to put your trust in Him. I am praying for you!