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Topics - ereino

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General Questions / Gardening for 2015
« on: February 17, 2015, 01:55:37 PM »
Okay, let's start the conversation with, who is going to do a veggy garden this year?  Hopefully, this is the year that I can retire.  My hubby retired this past January and trying to get the house inside ready to sell.  Big job.

But, once I retire we are going to start a very big garden at our primitive cabin site.  Can't wait to get the tracker tilling a large plot.  So many ideas - can't wait.  We made out a draft list of veggies - need to purchase off web and be prepared.  Still have a few more months to go - probably end of May - last freeze day is around end of May I believe in Wisconsin.  I am getting very anxious.  Planting beets, kale, collard greens, cauliflower, our own pickles vertical gardening, peppers, tomatoes, beans so we can dill them in August and ken wants to plant potatoes, sweet potatoes and so much more. 

What are your plans guys....?  Let's keep this post alive!

General Questions / Root Cellars / Canning / etc.
« on: August 25, 2014, 01:35:47 PM »
Who is in the habit of canning their harvest each year?  Twenty years ago we started making dill and also bread and butter pickles.  We started to purchase our pickles at a produce stand and still do.  Eventually, we will grow our own.  This year to canned a combination of the pickles and also some dilly beans. 

We have been discussing a root cellar at our primitive cabin site and wouldn't that be awesom.  We started to grow potatoes this year and even though they are high in sugar, we don't eat that many.  I would like to have a root cellar actually to grow cabbage.  What else can we put in the root cellar that would be FTS friendly?  I know I will can a lot of things, but will have to make a list of what my husband and I will eat.

What have you canned and what would you place in a root cellar, which would include canned goods and veggies. 

I have heard of people canning garlic mustard - the infamous invasive plant.  I would probably cann a lot of beans.  I think beets is also too high in sugar, but I have know of a lady who pickles sliced beets and they are wonderful.  But I have had to not indulge in these wonderful goodies of the ground.  Okay, onions and garlic wouldn't be a bad item to store in the cellar. 

This is really exciting.  Let me know of your experiences or thoughts on the subject.

General Questions / Almonds as a snack
« on: June 24, 2014, 01:56:17 PM »
I was watching my husband, who is overweight, grazing on sunday.  so, i went into the kitchen and found our almonds and brought them over - AND, of course, he started snacking on them.  What i noticed is that after snacking on a handful he didn't seem to get up and go back into the kitchen to find another snack.  he seemed to be okay.....sneekie, i know, but someone has to take the initiative.   ::) :o ;D ;)

General Questions / 2014 Veggy Garden
« on: May 28, 2014, 01:40:52 PM »
Okay, what are people planting in their gardens by way of veggies?

So far I have stuck spearmint, basil, sage, lavender and only one lonely tomato in the ground. 

Planning on finding some kale and swiss chard.

Figured we can buy our peppers at the produce stand, as they are quite inexpensive. 

I'll still probably do the micro greens and have beets so far to plant in the ground. 

It's been very dry and now we have three days worth of rain coming down in buckets.  Plus, it turned 52 degrees today.  What's that all about.

Let's hear from you all.

Have a nice day!

General Questions / The Series: My 600 pound Life
« on: May 28, 2014, 01:36:40 PM »
Has anyone watched the Series - My 600 Pound Life?  These people get the gastric a lot of sugar dumping....get frustrated at the new lifestyle which is actually eliminating the sugar and when able, begin to exercise, then quit.  The doctor on the show seems to be somewhat strict and says that about 5% of the people actually are successful.  It's even more sad when the spouses are not very supportive.

The doctor tells them to loose about 30 pounds one month prior to their next visit.  So, some do lose the 30 pounds.  Then he will consider them for the bypass.  Isn't it funny that they have shown themselves that they can lose the weight but still go through the bypass.

There is a segment on FTS forum that I believe stated that you actually loose so many years of life by getting this dangerous procedure done. 

This one lady would drink carbonated soda, even though she was told that it would be painful, it would stretch her stomach, and prohibit weight loss.  Even though she would go through a certain amount of pain, she said It wouldn't last long and that she was giving herself a reward, as she had just gone though an exercise training session.

So, my question is, is this the reason why these folks put the weight all back on.....they get used to the pain, the vomiting, and struggle through it and essentially have a painful workaround to get fat again?

This gal was eating tuna and avocado - I was so proud of her, as that is what I will have for lunch.  But, her husband was verbally abusive and she had to plow her way though a lot of emotional barriers around him.  He likes fat woman, so her losing the weight wasn't on his agenda for her. 

Thought I would pass along one of my thoughts for the day.

Lunch Recipes / Mushroom Soup with a blend to it
« on: March 31, 2014, 01:56:36 PM »
Hi guys,

Made the following blended soup this weekend.  Ingredients:

Amount of each to taste:
Garlic Gloves (I put in 2)
Home made chicken stock
Place in a spice bag:  1/2 cinnamon stock and 1 star anise - let it cook in pot for about 10 minutes then remove).... these two spices give it a nice warm flavor/feel.
Red hot pepper flakes
At the end of cooking cycle, add:
Mushrooms (used baby bella)
Continue to Cook down probably another 15 minutes.

Let sit to cool down somewhat and then blend it down

I micro waived some for lunch today and added about two tablespoons of feta cheese

It was really a nice treat

General Questions / micro greens
« on: March 25, 2014, 01:35:49 PM »
I saw a show on a lady somewhere in the LA, CAlif area growing micro greens.  A very big production, in fact.  She sold them to the local  high end restaurants - the chefs love her.  I plan on doing this on a smaller scale just for myself.  What would 'you' use for micro greens.  Here are some of my thoughts...radishes, cilantro, watercress... please add - I am trying to make a list for myself and can't think of what else to use. 

Another question is when you are growing these micro greens, say for example the radishes,  once you have cut off the top, do they keep on growing?  I tend to think that for vegetables they quit growing more micro green tops.  I think with young herbs they would quit growing, too, as I thought herbs had to get more established prior to cutting.  So, it's a one time cut and that's it?

Vegetarian Recipes / Bean Sprouts
« on: March 13, 2014, 01:34:28 PM »
I am having for lunch romaine lettuce, bean sprouts, a few almonds and sunflower seeds along with a sprinkle of feta cheese.  made my own dressing with olive oil; apple cider vinegar; water; Italian seasoning; red hot pepper flakes.  If you buy the Good Seasons Cruet (or container with tight fitting lid, then add 1/4 c vinegar; 3 tbsp. water; 1/2 olive oil and then add your own seasonings.  I don't trust the Good Seasons Italian Salad Dressing mix cause you never know what you are really getting - sugar and things you can't pronounce). 

My girlfriend at work brought in loads of bean sprouts. 

Does anyone know how to make bean sprouts?  I used to make them many many moons ago, but don't know how to start up.

I am hoping that bean sprouts are a good thing to eat on the FTS plan....

General Questions / CO Q-10
« on: February 03, 2014, 05:07:07 PM »
Umpa, from what I have read of CO Q-10, it sounds like everyone should be taking.  What is your take on this supplement.

General Questions / Flax Seed
« on: January 30, 2014, 06:49:56 PM »
Okay, so I was talking with my husband the other day and we were talking about flax seed meal.  Crushed up golden flax 'seed.'  I think it is generally a great product.  When you read about it, I don't see much wrong with eating it.  He seems to think that since it is a 'seed' and he compared it to apple seeds that are toxic, that I should stay away from it, as it may also even cause kidney stone issues.  I generally listen to what he has to say, but I don't feel the logic in this one and he isn't a 'seed' expert in regards to the 'components, enzymes, toxic, non toxic' attributes in every seed on the planet.  So I ask the FTS folks, what do you think.....?

Vegetarian Recipes / A New Soup Recipe
« on: January 21, 2014, 01:18:20 PM »
Okay, so by now I figure I really like to make my own soups and once cooked I take my submerging blender and blend away.  This past weekend went to an Asian Market and bought the following:

Bok Choy (the smaller ones - I heard they were sweeter than the larger ones)
poopake mushrooms
Ubo (sweet veggy)
Kabucha (Squash)
Fresh Ginger Root
Chicken Feet (I like making my own chicken stock and I hear the tendons in the feet make for a richer chicken stock)

So, I add the chicken feet to water and let it cook for about forever.
Once done, I throw away the feet (although my Asian friend says she has a certain way to cook them and loves next time I may just keep the feet and ask her for the recipe which I will share with you guys).
Once the chicken stock is done add the ingredients listed above - cube the veggies, slice the ginger and just throw in the poopakes.

Also add the following right now:
celery diced
garlic - about 3 or four cloves
red peppers diced, red hot pepper flakes,
salt/pepper to taste
lime juice, as much as you like.

Let these cook until the veggies are soft
Turn off the heat and let cool
Once cooled, submerge your blender and blend away

Serve with garnish of avocado, or heavy cream or whatever your little heart desires.

I often, and this is where it turns away from being vegetarian, cook in water some chicken breasts and then cut cubes into the soup.

I may also sprinkle ground golden flaxseed over the soup.

I hope this sounds appetizing - It sure is good! - I'm eating some right now for lunch.   

General Discussion / SUGAR EVERYWHERE YOU LOOK!!!!!
« on: January 09, 2014, 01:45:32 PM »
My husband and I just returned from vacation visiting my step daughter out west.  Her significant other, Steve, LOVES sugar.  Last year he decided just to do sugar every other day.  His idea of sugar are cup cakes, cakes, candies - you know, just the bakery sugars.  He said he experienced headaches a lot last year.  I mentioned to him that he was messing with his insulin and being the intelligent guy he is, he agreed.  This year he is going to try to stay off sugar for as long as he can.  I then mentioned to him that sugar is in a lot more products than you think.  He said he understood.  He isn't the type of guy, as smart as he is, to start talking about formulas, net carbs, etc.  Most people don't like talking about it.  As my step daughter said, there are just so many diets out there that this is just another book.  Hmmmmmmmmmm, sure, she is right saying that, but to be honest, the FTS way is the only book I know of that is easy to read and explains thoroughly what is going on and how sugar converts to fat.  I may just mail the book to them and hopefully they will read it and it will turn their lives around.  Getting back to the vacation...everywhere I looked there was sugar.  Sure, we went to the grocery store and I bought a few things to get me by without feeling like I was going to starve, but it was scary to see what they were eating.  From frozen dinners, sodas, breads, bakery goods, chocolates everywhere ... you name it.  If it were up to me, I would be throwing out quite a bit of stuff and having them start over.  Sure, not a good thing....just a fantasy of mine. 

Lunch Recipes / Vegetable layers with chicken concoction.
« on: July 24, 2013, 01:32:47 PM »
Here is what I am having for lunch today.  New idea form me.  Cook a whole chicken in water cause I love freezing the broth for my husband's jumbalaya.  Then shred chicken and mix mayo; crushed flax seed; blanched almonds; plain sunflower seeds and sea salt to taste and mix. (add as little or as much of the above as you like).    Slice up tomatoes; raw zucinni (I used yellow); raw mushrooms.  now layer.  Lay down the sliced tomatoe.  Ontop of the tomatoe place the zucinni slice, then the sliced mushroom; then on top of that the chicken concoction and then I add a black olive on top of it all.  Sprinkle a little sea salt on top, if you like.  So cool and refreshing for lunch.  Don't know the net carb count, but as you can see, all good stuff.  ENJOY!

Vegetarian Recipes / Let's juice it
« on: May 21, 2013, 01:22:09 PM »
I have been given this recipe from a friend and really like it and it has loads of nutritional value:

1/4 medium tomato (approx 1.25 net carbs)
1/4 avacado (approx 1.25 net carbs)
1 kale leaf (I don't know what to say here - on the web it says 1/4 pound  or 4 oz raw is 9 net carbs - so, how much does one large leaf of kale weigh? - I didn't weigh it - so maybe we can effectively say it is 1.25 net carbs????)
2 teaspoons of ground flax seed (I think flax seed has as many carbs as it has fiber so zero net carbs)
1/2 cup cold water (or however much you want to use to maintain a nice rich and somewhat thick to not so thick consistency yet where you can eat with a spoon.) 

Total 3.75 net carbs (anyone else want to take a crack at the my guest - this really isn't an area I like to get into, but I do see the value in it.)


Okay, I know some people out there are going NO WAY - BUT, I happen to like really different textured foods and I found this to be a pleasant taste and texture.  I typically have this in the morning three days a week when I get to work so all of the folks can go - OH GOOD GRIEF - WHAT IN THE WORLD IS THAT! 

Dinner Recipes / Green Currey Soup with choice of meat
« on: April 11, 2013, 01:36:05 PM »
I tasted this Green Curry soup and it was delish.  Here is the recipe:

Green Curry Paste
1 can Coconut Milk (some recipes call for 1/2 can - your choice - cuts down on carbs this way - just add additional water)
Your choice of meat
Bamboo & mushroom (instead of bamboo shoots which I think are high in sugar, I would probably replace with shallots, green onion, some ginger root - along at the end with a sprinkle of lime juice)
Thai egg plant
Fresh Thai chilli (blended)
some recipes call for 1/2 tspn of xanthum gun to thicken - your choice
Salt to taste

Stir green curry paste in hot oil (just tiny bit of oil) when it smells then put meat in.  Wait until the meat is almost cooked.

Add coconut milk and half a bowl of water (or more if you don't want thick broth) (One can of coconut milk I checked = 450 calories, 50 grams fat; saturated fat is 43g; 6 total carbs and zero fiber)

When it comes to a boil, add eggplant, bamboo and mushroom (add chilli pepper if you like)

Add salt to taste

Lastly, put basil in right before you turn off burner.  No need to cook all veggies for so long otherwise when you reheat the next time it will be too mushy.

This is a wonderful tasting meal.  Should probably get 4 servings.  In a similar receipt on the web this boiled down to per serving 8 grams of carbs; 3 dietary fiber - 5 total net carbs if you don't use the sugar.  Using my alternative suggestions.

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